Timothy J. Keller passed away I 팀 켈러 목사 5월19일 아침 향년 72세로 별세
페이지 정보
Redeemer Presbyterian Church 의 초대 목사인 팀 켈러 목사가 췌장암 투병 끝에
5월 19일 (금요일) 오전 72세의 나이로 별세했다.
- 아래는 Gospel in Life Team 으로부터 빋은 팀 켈러목사 별세 소식 전문이다. -
Dear friends,
It is with sadness that we share with you that our founder and friend, Timothy J. Keller passed away this morning, May 19, 2023 at the age of 72, trusting in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection. Please join us in prayer for his family as they go through the grieving process. While our hearts are heavy with the news of Tim’s death, we know he is rejoicing with his Savior in heaven. Our spirits are also lifted because of the gospel that Tim so eloquently and regularly preached — that in Christ we have life everlasting, that one day every wrong will be made right, every tear will be wiped away, and we will live with our savior in the new heavens and new earth. That is why Tim so often would say: “the gospel truly changes everything.” It’s what Tim believed, taught, and lived.
Steve Shackelford, Redeemer City to City’s CEO, shared this about Tim:
While Tim was on a trip a few years back, he was asked how he wanted to be remembered. He said that he didn’t think a lot about legacy, and then referenced something Martin Lloyd Jones said about his name being written in the Lamb’s book of life. Then Tim paused, and in one of those rare personal moments said, “I do hope my grandchildren remember me.”
There will never be another Tim Keller and we will miss him.
A livestream worship service and memorial will be held in the coming weeks. More details will be provided here as they become available.
We ask for your continued prayers for Kathy and the Keller family and all of us here at Gospel in Life.
Lastly, we want you to know that Tim and Kathy have been planning for some time to ensure that the ministry of Gospel in Life would continue and their prayer was that it would not only continue, but that it would flourish for many years to come. And at Tim’s request it is our honor to continue the work of Gospel in Life and honor his ministry by continuing to spread the gospel through his teachings, books and other resources as God leads in the days ahead. On behalf of the Gospel in Life team, thank you for your prayers.
With temporary sorrow and eternal hope in Christ,
Cregan Cooke
Sr. Director, Gospel in Life
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